Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello Twenty Eleven!

So it's that time of year again,

time for fire works, after Christmas sales, and....


*muah ha ha ha*

I know it's technically the second, but I was working today, so this will have to do.

Everybody always makes resolutions and forgets about them before Valentine's day, but I am determined. Not only am I making a list, but I'm also making a plan of action to begin implementing them into habits.

I decided on 11 in honor of 2010 so....

1. Journal/blog at least once a week.
-blogging could be considered journaling, so I resolve to post at least once a week, whether it be a full blown post or just a pic. I will post something every week. (so stay tuned)

2. Be more health conscious.
-this always makes the top ten of the resolution list, but everybody can always aim to be a little more healthy, so I resolve to do a few things:
-cut soda down to once a week or less
-eat at least one serving of fruits AND veggies EVERY day
-start exercising more by staying active every day and going to the gym at least once a week, stretch every day

3. Be less self centered and selfish
-put somebody before myself at least once a day

4. Be more positive
-make a conscious effort to smile
-always look on the bright side of everything
-work to make others happy

5.Build my relationship with Heavenly Father
-read scriptures every night
-say morning and evening prayers EVERY night!

6. Get more organized with my time and stuff

7. Widen my literary perspectives
-read more books of varying genres

8. Get more involved in church and school
-attend activities whenever possible
-volunteer for more responsibilities

9. Meet more people
-get more involved
-be more social
-don't be afraid to introduce myself

10. Continue to develop and discover my talents

11. Make 2011 another memorable year

Well I guess that's it for now, but I'll see you in a week!

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